Good times.
Today, Mike was apparently struck with a sudden burst of inspiration, and decided to clean out the box. This is what was left when he was done (and had cut its contents by at least 2/3):
There's some Spiderman wrapping paper in there, and the long lost directions to one of Paxton's games, and the rope that we bought (probably two years ago) to put up as a clothes line. He made a huge stack of stuff to recycle, another to file in a more appropriate place, and a third for me to look through. I still haven't gotten to my own pile yet, but I did rescue something cool from the stack for the recycle bin... It was something I'd liked and printed from the internet awhile ago, and it just spoke so brilliantly to what I was saying in my post about following your passion. I don't know who wrote it, so I can't credit it, but it is sage advice indeed:
"Vocations which we wanted to pursue, but didn't, bleed, like colors, on the whole of our existence". Honore De Balzac said that, and he was right. Do not let one more day go by without honoring the vocation your soul calls you to pursue. And don't pretend you don't know what it is. Of course you do. You can feel it in your stomach whenever you think about it; whenever you see another person doing it.
Life is so very short. Do now what you yearn to do in your life. You do not have to "quit your day job" in order to do this. You may do so if you choose to, but you do not have to. Many people advance a vocation while holding down their "regular job". You can, too. Then ease into your vocation and turn it into your "regular job".
But you must give energy to your vocation starting today. I mean, today.