"Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


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Nine years ago today, we brought a tiny, hairy, 5 pound little Spencer home from the hospital. We were first time parents, full of awe and wonderment, and really had no idea what kind of joy and heartbreak was ahead of us. He was a quiet baby, what everyone else referred to as a "good" baby (a term I never liked, because there's no such thing as a "bad" baby). He was happy and affectionate and loved to snuggle up with his Mom and Dad. Spencer was the one who prompted my immediate decision not to return to work, followed by the decision to homeschool. He was the one who gave me the biggest "A-ha" moment of my life... the profound and life-changing realization of what was truly important to me. I finally "got it" after I had Spencer. Becoming a parent was everything I never knew I always wanted. There have been hard days to be sure, but the joy - the kind that makes your heart feel like it is too big to stay confined in your chest - has far overshadowed any bad day.

He is nine now. He's still hairy :) sometimes quiet, and always the same sweet soul I fell in love with in the hospital almost a decade ago. He's affectionate and passionate and curious. He loves the Dukes of Hazzard, cars, construction equipment, and learning about how the world works. Spencer is awesome.

Happy Birthday Spencer! We love you a million billion zillion.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New friends and Valentines

After months of thwarted plans, we finally made it to a park day with one of the local homeschool groups. After spending the first few weeks of February dealing with various sicknesses, it was a welcome outing for us all. We chose a Valentine's party for our first intro to the group, and it was a big success. In typical fashion, Spencer and Paxton both made quick work of making friends, and were soon able to tell me the names and ages of a dozen different kids. They exchanged valentines, enjoyed a nice potluck lunch, and explored the playground equipment. I chatted with the other moms, and while I was the odd one out when it came to my homeschooling style - which I've gotten used to - I met some great women. I exchanged email addresses with quite a few of them, and the boys can hardly wait to set up some playdates.


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