I remember two things about dandelions from my childhood: The joy of blowing the dried ones all over the yard; and the spirit-squashing grownups who griped about it. "It's a weed; you'll spread it all over the lawn; we want to get rid of them, not make more of them" Etc. My boys think dandelions are pretty, and I agree. They're bright and yellow and cheery. We went to the greens today - to roll down the hills, run around, and practice riding bikes - and their faces just lit up when they saw all the dandelions. Most of them were still yellow, but they found a few to blow and wish on. They asked me to help them gather some up, and we spent the better part of the afternoon picking dandelions, and talking about bees and pollen and flowers and gardens. We all came home with huge handfuls, and put them in a vase to enjoy in the living room.